University of Michigan Study Says MondoVap 2400 Steam Vapor System More Effective Than Conventional Disinfectants
Ann Arbor, MI — March 13, 2012 — A University of Michigan study has demonstrated that the Advanced Vapor Technologies’ MondoVap 2400 steam vapor device equipped with a Thermal Accelerated Nano Crystal Sanitation (TANCS) water treatment module, rapidly and effectively destroys microbial biofilms; those sticky, often invisible films formed by bacteria and other germs to colonize surfaces and protect themselves from attack by disinfectants and other antimicrobial agents.
Chuanwu Xi, PhD, Assistant Professor in the Department of Environmental Health at the University of Michigan and his research team found that treated steam from a novel steam disinfection system utilizing TANCS technology rapidly kills highly resistant biofilms with greater than 99.95 percent killing efficiency in a 3 second treatment, and to a non-detectable level in a less than 10 second treatment.